Main Library collection range

The Main Library at UNSW Sydney is organised according to the Dewey Decimal Classification number. Collections are housed on levels 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 & 8. Check the item record in Library collection for Library level and item number. The item number tells you where print copies are located on the shelf. Signs at the end of each shelving bay show which numbers are found in that bay.

Level 2

High Use Collection room

High Use Collection
Requested items

Level 3

004 Computer sciences
005 Programming
030 Encyclopedias
100 Philosophy
120 Understanding knowledge
140 Philosophical schools
150 Psychology
160 Logic
170 Ethics
180 Ancient philosophy
190 Modern philosophy
200 Religion
220 - 279 Christianity
290 Other religions
300 Social sciences
310 Statistics
319 Australian statistics
320 Political sciences

F001 - F329 Oversized books

Map collection
Music CD collection

Level 4

330 Economics
340 Law
350 Public administration
360 Social services
370 Education
380 Commerce, communication & transport
390 Customs, folklore
400 Language
410 Linguistics
420 English
430 German
440 French
450 Italian
460 Spanish & Portuguese
470 Latin
480 Greek
500 Natural sciences
510 Mathematics

F330 - F519 Oversized books

Level 6

520 Astronomy
530 Physics
540 Chemistry
550 Geology, meteorology
560 Fossils
570 Biology, physiology, biochemistry
580 Botany
590 Zoology
600 Technology
610 Medicine & health
620 Engineering
621 Electrical engineering
624 Civil engineering
625 Railroads & Roads
627 Hydraulic engineering
630 Agriculture
650 Management & accounting
660 Chemical engineering
670 Manufacturing
690 Buildings
700 Arts

F520 - F709 Oversized books

Level 7

710 Landscape architecture
720 Architecture
730 - 779 Sculpture, drawing, painting, graphic arts
780 Music
790 Performing arts & sports
800 Literature
810 Literature - American
820 Literature - English
830 Literature - German
840 Literature - French
850 Literature - Italian
860 Literature - Spanish & Portuguese
870 Literature - Latin
880 Literature - Greek
890 Literature in other languages
900 History & geography
910 Geography & travel
930 History - ancient
940 History - Europe
950 History - Asia
960 History - Africa
970 History - North America
980 History - South America
990 History - Australia, New Zealand, Oceania

F710 - F999 Oversized books

Level 8

000 - 999 Journals (selected titles - architecture, design, medicine and current ongoing titles)
001 - 320 & 332 - 519 Low-use books