UNSW Library Unstacked

A live data visualisation that displayed and interpreted usage of the UNSW Library collection in real-time.


May 2021 - June 2023



Level 2 Main Library


Unstacked (Elisa Lee & Adam Hinshaw)

UNSW Library Unstacked was a live data visualisation that displayed and interpreted usage of the UNSW Library collection in real-time, communicating the scale, breadth and depth of library research activity that is otherwise invisible. The innovative intersection of data, visual communication and library science was a collaboration between UNSW Library and the Unstacked team.

UNSW Library Unstacked ran from May 2021 to June 2023. The live version is no longer hosted. A screen recording of the site is below, along with the original About text.

View the Online Exhibitions or read the UNSW Newsroom article.

Video documentation

Original About text

UNSW Library Unstacked displays and interprets usage of the UNSW Library collection in real-time, communicating the scale, breadth and depth of library research activity that is otherwise is invisible. The innovating intersection of data, visual communication and library science is a collaborative between UNSW Library and the Unstacked team led by Elisa Lee.

Each time someone looks at a book, journal or something else online in the Library Collection, it is reflected in the visualisation. Unstacked shows the relative level of Library research activity that happens each day by mapping these items to discipline clusters aligned with UNSW faculties, so you can see in more detail how you and others are using your library’s resources.


The front-end visualisation is an HTML5 application using several open source javascript libraries.

© Elisa Lee and Adam Hinshaw 2020.

Developed in collaboration with the UNSW Library. Developed with a DX Fellowship at the State Library of New South Wales; Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License.

Image gallery

Events from this project


An exhibition featuring working examples of the visual development of the project was presented at the Level 5, Main Library Exhibition Space, to launch UNSW Library Unstacked.

Exhibition was held in February 2020.